The Guide

The Guide

The guide has been produced by Bilgener team for the benefit of those who are continuing a business or intending to do a business in Turkey. We aim to provide a broad overview of the various things that should be taken into account by organizations considering setting up business in Turkey.

The information provided is not exhaustive and- as underlying legislation and regulations are subject to frequent changes- we recommend that anyone considering doing business in Turkey or looking to the area as an opportunity for expansion should seek professional advice before making any business or investment decision. Please do not hesitate to contact with Bilgener Team if you need any professional advice.

A)- Companies

1)- Business Structures

2)- Accounting and Statutory Books

3)- Corporate Tax System

4)- Financial Reporting and Audit Requirements

5)- Employment Obligations and Taxation Of Employees

6)- Grants and Incentives

7)- Banking and Finance

B)-  Individuals

1)- Taxation of Individuals

2)- Work Permits

3)- Buying Property

4)- Opening Bank Account

5)- Getting Turkish Citizenship


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