Turkey’s Top Investments by Country

Turkey is one of the top markets that receive a significant amount of foreign direct investment from all over the world. Over the last 16 years, Turkey attracted $203 billion in foreign direct investment and 65,341 foreign companies established in the country.
According to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), in the period of January to December 2018, a total of $6.5 billion in net foreign direct investment flowed into the Turkish economy. The largest amount of foreign direct investment came from Europe with $4.2 billion and it is 64.6 percent of the total investments. While with $1.7 billion Asia was the second, the American countries with $484 million, Oceania countries with $42 million and African countries with $24 million followed them.
In 2018, Turkey’s top investor countries were as follows:
1)- The Netherlands
Turkey’s main source of foreign direct investment country was The Netherlands in 2018. With 833 million dollars, the country provides 13 percent of the total foreign direct investment in Turkey.
2)- Azerbaijan
As Turkey’s main ally Azerbaijan has a strong relationship with its neighbor and it affects the business relationships between the two countries positively. With 516 million dollars, Azerbaijan is one of Turkey’s top investor countries.
3)- Italy
With 509 million dollars, Italy is another top investor country of Turkey. Italy increased its foreign direct investment to Turkey by 298% since 2017, the investment amount was only 128 million dollars the previous year.
4)- Australia
While the foreign direct investment flow from Australia decreased in 2018 compared to 2017, with 465 million dollars, the country was still one of the top investors of Turkey last year.
5)- United States
The United States made 446 million dollars’ worth investment in Turkey in 2018. In 2017, the amount of investment was 180 million dollars which showed an increase of 148% in one year.
If you are planning to make an investment in Turkey and establish a business in the country, you can check Grants and Incentives page to get more information.