Tag Archives: business in turkey

by in Business Law, Turkish Economy and Business Life

How to Start a Small Business in Turkey

Regulations regarding the business setup process in a foreign country may differ from your own country, and whether starting a small or big business, it is not an easy process. Before this process, researching the business environment in which you want to set up a company should be the first step. As a foreign business […]

by in Turkish Economy and Business Life

Trendyol Becomes Turkey’s Most Valuable Company with New Investment from Alibaba

One of Turkey’s leading e-commerce company Trendyol received a new investment of $350 million from its partner company Alibaba. With this new investment, Trendyol increases its valuation to $9.35 billion and becomes the most valuable company in Turkey. With 86.50% of the company’s shares, Alibaba is the largest shareholder of Trendyol, which sold 347 million […]

by in Turkish Economy and Business Life

Chinese Tech Company Xiaomi Opens Factory in Turkey

Chinese technology company Xiaomi opened a production factory in Istanbul on March 29, 2021, with supply giant Salcomp. According to Anatolian Agency, Xiaomi’s production factory established on a 14,000-square-meter (around 150,700-square-feet) area will employ 2,000 people with the promise of producing five million smartphones per year. Turkey is the fourth country in the world where […]


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