How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship

For foreigners, with its thriving economy despite setbacks, unpenetrated markets, low operating costs, and qualified labor force, Turkey has much to offer. Other than those advantages, it is also possible for investors to obtain Turkish citizenship via their investments in Turkey.
There are currently six different options to obtain Turkish citizenship by investment:
Turkish Citizenship by Fixed Capital Investment
For acquiring Turkish citizenship, foreigners should make a minimum fixed capital investment of 500,000 $ or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira. The process is overlooked by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkey.
Turkish Citizenship by Buying Property
Foreigners can get Turkish citizenship by acquiring a property worth a minimum of 250,000 $ or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira with a title deed restriction on its resale for at least three years. The process is overlooked by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey.
Check out: Buying Property in Turkey
Turkish Citizenship by Investment in a Turkish Bank
Depositing at least 500,000 $ or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira in a Turkish bank with the condition not to withdraw the same amount for at least three years is one of the ways of obtaining Turkish citizenship. The process is overlooked by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency of Turkey.
Check out: Opening Bank Account in Turkey
Turkish Citizenship by Providing Employment
Foreigners who create employment for at least 50 people acquire Turkish citizenship. The process is overlooked by the Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services of Turkey.
Turkish Citizenship by Acquiring Government Bonds
For acquiring Turkish citizenship, buying at least 500,000 $ or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira worth of government bonds with the condition that they cannot be sold for at least three years. The process is overlooked by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Turkey.
Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate Investment Fund Share or Venture Capital Investment Fund Share
Foreigners can get Turkish citizenship by buying at least 500,000 $ or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira worth of real estate investment fund share or venture capital investment fund share with the condition that they cannot be sold for at least three years. The process is overlooked by the Department of the Brokerage Activities of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey.
How to Apply for Turkish Citizenship
There are three main steps to follow for the application process of Turkish citizenship by investments:
1. Obtain Certificate of Eligibility
Apply to the related government organizations for the certificate of eligibility. The organizations you should apply for each investment type:
Turkish Citizenship by Fixed Capital Investment: General Directorate of Incentive Application and Foreign Capital of the Ministry of Industry and Technology
Turkish Citizenship by Buying Property: General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadaster of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
Turkish Citizenship by Providing Employment: General Directorate of International Labor of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services
Turkish Citizenship by Investment in a Turkish Bank: Department of Financial Consumer Relations of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency
Turkish Citizenship by Acquiring Government Bonds: Ministry of Treasury and Finance
Turkish Citizenship by Real Estate or Venture Capital Investment Fund Share: Department of the Brokerage Activities of the Capital Markets Board of Turkey
2. Obtain a Residence Permit
Apply to the Provincial Directorate of Immigration Administration of the settlement. Documents needed for residence permit application:
- Residence permit application form
- The original and a copy of the passport or travel document
- Copy of the previous residence permit document
- Four biometric photographs
- Proof that the applicant has not received any social aid from governmental institutions and organizations in the last three years
- Proof of sufficient and sustainable financial resources for the duration of the stay
- Police record document
- Valid medical insurance (one of the following shall be sufficient):
- Proof of access to health services in Turkey within the scope of bilateral social security agreements
- Provision document issued by the Social Security Institution
- Document regarding the application made to the Social Security Institution to be covered by the general health insurance
- Private health insurance valid for a minimum of one year
3. Application for Citizenship
Apply to the Provincial Directorate of Census and Citizenship of the settlement and prepare the citizenship file and send it to NVIGM.
For more info on how to obtain Turkish citizenship, you can also check: Getting Turkish Citizenship