How to Get a Turkish Passport

Types of Turkish Passport
The Turkish Passport is the 39th most powerful passport in the world among 199 countries, and 18th most powerful passport in Europe. Turkish citizens can travel to 115 countries without a visa, to 83 countries with a visa that can be obtained at the airport, and to 7 countries with an online visa. There are 4 different types of passports in the Republic of Turkey.
1. Ordinary Passport (Burgundy Passport)
Ordinary passports, the outer cover color of which is burgundy, consist of 38 pages. This is the type of passport that Turkish citizens receive with a personal application. An ordinary passport is issued individually for everyone, regardless of age. In order to have this passport, an application is made to the District Population Directorates by appointment or without an appointment. Tuition fees for ordinary passports vary depending on the duration of the passport.
2. Personal Passport (Green Passport)
Personal passports with a green outer cover color consist of 30 pages. It is given to civil servants and other public officials with the registration of being employed in first, second and third degree cadres who want to go out of the country for foreign duty or travel purposes.
3. Service Passport (Grey Passport)
Service passports, the outer cover color of which is gray, consist of 30 pages. It is given to civil servants who need to go abroad frequently with official duties but do not have the right to obtain a diplomatic passport, civil servants in international organizations, people assigned by the Turkish Air Authority and the Turkish Red Crescent. The service passport is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the request of the authorized supervisor.
4. Diplomatic Passport (Black Passport)
Diplomatic passports, the outer cover of which is black in color, consist of 28 pages. For long-term or short-term tasks; based on the content of the tasks, short-term or maximum 2 years for a mission, members of parliament, members of Parliament who are not ministers, the presidents and members of the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, the State Council, the court of military appeals, the Supreme Military administrative court, the court of the dispute, the court of auditors, the General Staff of the first and second Presidents, Republican attorney general, the deputy undersecretary of the ministry, ambassadors, working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the task due to often go abroad to senior officers and atasalere; in order to represent the state, it is given to high-ranking civil servants who must go abroad in order to fulfill the duty given by the state.
Ways to Obtain Turkish Passport
1. How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship by Investment
Turkish citizenship can be acquired through investment. The number of species that can be invested in Turkey is quite large. There are some conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship:
- To purchase a real estate with a minimum value of 250.000 $ and to make a comment on the land registry that this real estate will not be sold for 3 years,
- To make a capital investment with a minimum value of 500.000 $,
- To conclude a contract of sale promise with an article stating that it cannot be sold and transferred for 3 years for a condominium or a building with a floor easement of a minimum value of 250.000 $ and that it cannot be transferred,
- To make an investment that provides employment for 50 people within the borders of our country,
- Depositing a minimum of 500 thousand American dollars in Turkish banks, provided that they do not withdraw for 3 years,
- Buying government debt instruments for a minimum of 500.000 $ on the condition that they do not sell or transfer for 3 years,
- It is enough to apply for Turkish citizenship by investment to purchase a participation share in a real estate or venture capital investment fund with a minimum value of 500.000 $ and to pledge that it will not dispose of it for 3 years.
2. How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship by Marriage
Marrying a Turkish citizen is not enough to obtain citizenship. In order to obtain Turkish citizenship by marriage, it is necessary to be married for at least 3 years, and the marriage must continue. In order to apply for citizenship, it is necessary to live in a family union, not to engage in activities incompatible with the marriage union, and not to have a state that will be an obstacle in terms of national security and public order.
If there are all the mentioned conditions, a person who wants to apply for citizenship can apply by going to the governor’s office in the city where s/he lives. As a result of the death of a Turkish spouse after applying for citizenship for a foreign person, the requirement that the “to live in a family union” does not apply. Foreign people who have acquired the right, can apply for Turkish citizenship at any time.
3. How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship by Decision of the Competent Authority
It is also possible to obtain citizenship in Turkey by the decision of the competent authority. For this, foreigners must have certain conditions. These conditions are included in the Turkish Citizenship Law. These conditions:
- To have the power to distinguish between adult and stateless according to their national law and Turkish laws,
- To live in Turkey for five years without interruption from the date of application,
- To confirm by their behavior that they have decided to settle in Turkey,
- Not having a disease that poses a danger to general health,
- Having good morals,
- To be able to speak enough Turkish,
- Having an income or profession that will ensure the livelihood of himself and his dependents in Turkey,
- Not being in a position to be an obstacle in terms of national security and public order.
How to Get a Turkish Passport
Many countries do not accept trips without a passport. Passport processing in Turkey is carried out by the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs. Operations in this directorate are carried out by appointment system. In order to obtain a passport when the appointment is made, the necessary documents must be completed. Different documents are required for different types of passports. There is a passport in Turkey that can be obtained by foreigners. It is called as Burgundy Passport or Ordinary Passport.
The necessary documents for a Burgundy passport (Ordinary Passport) are as follows:
- T.C. identity card, identity card or temporary identity document,
- One biometric photo taken in the last 6 months,
- If legal representatives are not present at the application center; consent for persons with disabilities or non-adults,
- “Student Certificate” (If the student’s status is verified in the system during the application, the document will not be requested when students apply for a passport without fees.)
- Payment of the passport book and fee fee prior to the application (Since payment information is displayed on the system, no receipt /receipt is also requested during the application.)
- Old passport (Passports that have already been received and have not been canceled must be brought in the application.)