All posts by: M.Emin Bilgener

by in Accounting and Reporting, Business Law, Turkish Economy and Business Life

Obligation of Notification of Foreign Capitalized Companies, Branches and Liaison Offices

Foreign capitalized companies, branches and liaison offices are obliged to notify related government authorities for their annual activities and/or in case there is a change in capital and shareholder structure of the legal entity according to Turkish Foreign Direct Investment Laws and Governing Regulations.

by in Business Law, Turkish Economy and Business Life

Formation & Termination of Employment Contracts in Turkey

Turkish Labor Code, Act No. 4857, enacted in 2003, regulates the working conditions and work-related rights and obligations of employers and employees working under an employment contract. The Code forbids discrimination, including any that is based on language, race, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief or religion.

by in Turkish Economy and Business Life

Employee Working Hours and Overtime Regulations in Turkey

The typical working week is ≤45 hours, divided equally across the days of the week unless otherwise agreed (6 days * 7,5 hours). Any working hours that exceed this limit count as overtime, which must be justified by national interest, the nature of the operation or the need to increase output.


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